We work hard to attract, retain, and support the most outstanding faculty.

Hospital pediatrics


Authors: Postier AC, Root MC, O'Riordan DL, Purser L, Friedrichsdorf SJ, Pantilat SZ, Bogetz JF

JAMA neurology


Authors: Kluger BM, Katz M, Galifianakis NB, Pantilat SZ, Hauser JM, Khan R, Friedman C, Vaughan CL, Goto Y, Long SJ, Martin CS, Dini M, McQueen RB, Palmer L, Fairclough D, Seeberger LC, Sillau SH, Kutner JS



Authors: Sadang KG, Centracchio JA, Turk Y, Park E, Feliciano JL, Chua IS, Blackhall L, Silveira MJ, Fischer SM, Rabow M, Zachariah F, Grey C, Campbell TC, Strand J, Temel JS, Greer JA



Authors: Calton BA, Nouri S, Davila C, Kotwal A, Zapata C, Bischoff KE

Journal of pain and symptom management


Authors: Mahes A, Macchi ZA, Martin CS, Katz M, Galifianakis NB, Pantilat SZ, Kutner JS, Sillau S, Kluger BM

Trauma Surgery and Acute Care Open


Authors: Melissa Hornor, Uzer Khan, Michael W Cripps, Allyson Cook Chapman, Jennifer Knight-Davis, Thaddeus J Puzio7, Bellal Joseph

Critical care explorations


Authors: Kennedy CJ, Chiu C, Chapman AC, Gologorskaya O, Farhan H, Han M, Hodgson M, Lazzareschi D, Ashana D, Lee S, Smith AK, Espejo E, Boscardin J, Pirracchio R, Cobert J

Radiation oncology journal


Authors: Sabol RA, Patel AM, Sabbagh A, Wilson C, Yuen F, Lindenfeld P, Aggarwal R, Breyer B, Mohamad O

BMJ quality & safety


Authors: Gupta K, Lisker S, Rivadeneira NA, Mangurian C, Linos E, Sarkar U

Journal of palliative medicine


Authors: Wilkie DJ, Fitchett G, Yao Y, Schoppee T, Delgado Guay MO, Hauser J, Kittelson S, O'Mahony S, Rabow M, Quest T, Solomon S, Handzo G, Chochinov HM, Emanuel LL