Welcome to the Division of Palliative Medicine's Pre-med Summer Clinical Experience Program!

Founded in 2023, the newly created program aims to help support underrepresented students from all backgrounds interested in medicine.
The 3.5-week program provides premedical students an immersive clinical experience in the field of hospice and palliative medicine, with clinical shadowing in inpatient palliative medicine, outpatient palliative medicine (virtual visits), and home-based hospice. The program includes didactics related to the field of hospice and palliative medicine, including tools for resiliency in this work. Participants will also be provided with longitudinal mentorship by palliative care physicians at UCSF through the medical school application process and beyond.
Through this program, participants will interact with a diverse team of physicians, nurses, social workers, and chaplains both at UCSF and our health partner, By the Bay Health.
Hear from our students!
I loved the variability of activities in the program. I felt like every minute of my participation was valuable and worthwhile. It also allowed me to learn about medicine holistically, from the home, hospital, to the relationships among different care providers, various needs patients might prioritize, and how to be reflective and emotional in a good way.
Pre-med student, 2024 cohort
My favorite parts of the program include the ability to discuss with interns and mentors during didactic trainings. I loved being able to meet people like me in professional careers and have the opportunity to see them care for others in ways I have never been able to before. There are so many moments in which I will carry forever, and I hope one day I will be able to a healthcare provider like them. Lastly, I enjoyed traveling and talking to people who were from different backgrounds and careers, it made me realize the importance of diversity and teamwork.
Pre-med student, 2024 cohort
My most favorite part of the program was debriefing with the doctors at the end of their patient visits. I never felt that I was out of place discussing the medical history of patients with them, I could always ask all the questions I wanted and that was the safest thing ever. My doctor mentors were super helpful and kind.
Pre-med student, 2024 cohort
Other testimonials
“My favorite part of the program was the inpatient rotation because I was able to see the same patient for more than one interaction. I could build a closer relationship with the same patient and observed how the patient reacted the next day.” - Pre-med Student, 2023 cohort
"I loved the structure of the program. It was a great way to organize all of the information I was taking in during my clinical experience. A hybrid model was great for didactic training as well. For sure enjoyed patient interaction and being able to shadow doctors on their visits with patients." - Pre-med Student, 2023 cohort
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