Journal of palliative medicine
Authors: Rabow MW, O'Riordan DL, Pantilat SZ
Supportive care in cancer : official journal of the Multinational Association of Supportive Care in Cancer
Authors: Rabow MW, Knish SJ
Journal of general internal medicine
Authors: Wei J, Defries T, Lozada M, Young N, Huen W, Tulsky J
Journal of palliative medicine
Authors: Pantilat SZ, O'Riordan DL, Bruno KA
Journal of pain and symptom management
Authors: Kamal AH, Hanson LC, Casarett DJ, Dy SM, Pantilat SZ, Lupu D, Abernethy AP
Journal of pain and symptom management
Authors: Schumacher KL, Plano Clark VL, West CM, Dodd MJ, Rabow MW, Miaskowski C
Journal of pain and symptom management
Authors: Schumacher KL, Plano Clark VL, West CM, Dodd MJ, Rabow MW, Miaskowski C
Journal of general internal medicine
Authors: Bischoff K, Shah SM, Dhaliwal G, Hollander H
BMJ (Clinical research ed.)
Authors: Rabow MW
Journal of palliative medicine
Authors: Jacobsen J, Kvale E, Rabow M, Rinaldi S, Cohen S, Weissman D, Jackson V